Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My disasterous firefox encounter

Today I decided to try and look up the word "callous" to use in an anonymous post to this uk resistance wiki thing. However, what transpired was a narrowly-missed disaster. I will guide you through a 999-style recreation of the terrible events that happened.

I decided to use the quick search bar in firefox to look up "callous".

But I forgot I wasn't at work and don't have the dictionary plug-in installed. FUCK!

So, I decided to go straight to the dictionary.com website. But...

I misspelt .com .om! How embarrassing! This is when I knew I was up the proverbial creek without a proverbial paddle.

PHEW! Crisis averted! Call off NATO!

I've never been so grateful for a definition in my whole life.

This harrowing story is available to be turned into a Hollywood movie script or a bestseller. Please pay me £1million via paypal for the rights, even if you've only read the harrowing story and have no interest in turning it into a Hollywood movie script or bestseller.


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